Two Parishes - One Faith

St. Mary Finance & Pastoral Councils

St. Mary Trustees:

Secretary Trustee - Ann Hoernke
Treasurer Trustee - Chad Romzek

Here you will find news from our Pastoral and Finance Councils.

Please note that St. Mary Pastoral Council Meetings are open to parishioners.  They are held on the second Wednesday of every month at 5pm in the Parish Office Conference Room at St. Mary.

The St. Mary Finance Council meets on the Fourth Wednesday of every month at 5pm in the Parish Office Conference Room at St. Mary.

These Committees are represented on the Parish Council, perhaps one of these areas interests you.  We encourage you to get involved!

“The Evangelization Committee exists to serve our God, Pastor, Deacon and congregation by
being one of the welcoming arms of the church by demonstrating hospitality to visiting guests,
our newest members and all members of the Body. The committee, by welcoming, greeting,
planning, staffing and implementing social events, embraces the common goal of a community
united in the life of the church.”

“Worship is an act of God, that requires our full cooperation, to offer sacrifice to Him. Worship is
most perfectly surmised in the sacrifice of the Mass. The duty of the Worship Committee is to
work toward a perfect expression of faith through the sacraments. Our active ministry is
represented by servers, lectors, ushers, sacristans, the altar society, and the music program.
Our work, ever turned to Christ and his Blessed Mother, brings honor to the living and true
Eucharistic God through our service.”

“Everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God. We should be grateful and
generous with those gifts - sharing our time, talent, and treasure to grow God’s kingdom here on
earth. The Stewardship Committee will encourage parishioners to be grateful, prayerful servants
of the Church and to share generously of their time, talent, and treasure.”

“The Living Justice Committee will serve the needs of the parish and the community by raising
awareness about issues of justice and human dignity and applying the wisdom of the Church to
these issues. The USCCB states: “The Catholic Church proclaims that human life is sacred and
the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society. This belief is the
foundation of all the principles of our social teaching.” By sharing our faith in Jesus Christ and
the principles of Catholic social teaching, we will strive to inspire people to respect life from
conception to natural death, to visit our shut-ins, and to assist those in financial need in our
community. Through education, advocacy, collaboration, and communication, we will work to
address the issues that contribute to injustice in our society and to be a voice for those who
cannot advocate for themselves.”

“The Education Committee serves/educates adults and children in the Catholic Faith through
our Faith Formation programs, support of the SMCS system and many adult faith formation
opportunities. We are called to strengthen our faith journey through open communication to
support the efforts of these ministries. We will strive to meet everyone wherever they are on
their faith journey and facilitate deeper learning about our Catholic faith through our programs
and studies.”

St. Mary Fiscal 2022 Annual Report - Click Here to view Annual Report

Pastoral Council Meeting Notes                                                                                                                          

St. Mary November 2023 Pastoral Council Meeting Notes Click Here

St. Mary January 2024 Pastoral Council Meeting Notes Click Here

St. Mary March 2024 Pastoral Council Meeting Notes Click Here

St. Mary June 2024 Pastoral Council Meeting Notes Click Here

St. Mary August 2024 Pastoral Council Meeting Notes Click Here

Finance Council Meeting Notes

St. Mary September 2023 Finance Council Meeting Notes Click Here

St. Mary December 2023 Finance Council Meeting Notes Click Here

St. Mary February 2024  Finance Council Meeting Notes Click Here

St. Mary April 2024  Finance Council Meeting Notes Click Here

St. Mary June 2024  Finance Council Meeting Notes Click Here