Two Parishes - One Faith


Sacrament of Confirmation

Juniors and seniors in high school, who have not been confirmed, and have been baptized and received their First Communion, are eligible to participate in the preparation program for Confirmation.

All students must have participated in at least 1 year of prior religious education(grade 10) or gone through grade 10 in a Catholic school or have made up for that training before being Confirmed. Candidates select a sponsor who works with them throughout the final stages of the preparation process. In addition to classes, the candidate attends a retreat, and completes service in the parish and larger community.

We generally celebrate Confirmation in May.

Confirmation Sponsor

Role of Sponsor

“As they become familiar with the Christian way of life, and are helped by the example and support of sponsors, godparents, and the entire Christian community, the catechumens learn to turn more readily to God in prayer, to bear witness to the faith, in all things to keep their hopes set on Christ, to follow supernatural inspiration in their deeds, and to practice love of neighbor, even at the cost of self renunciation.” RCIA 75.2

Expectations of Sponsors

A sponsor should be someone who models the Catholic faith and a life of discipleship to the best of their ability. The sponsor should be someone who truly can support the candidate in the desire to believe in Jesus Christ and to live out that belief in daily life.  The sponsor must also be willing to challenge the candidate on un-Christian attitudes or actions, when that is necessary, and to pray with the candidate and encourage the candidate.  Practically speaking, this means that the sponsor must be someone with whom the candidate can have actual contact with during the preparation period. Additionally, we recommend that he/she can attend some (or all) of the classes with the candidate.

A sponsor should according to Canon Law be:

  • Not a parent of the candidate
  • At least 16 years old
  • Has received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation in the Catholic church
  • Is a practicing Catholic

For more information contact Bethany Doll at (920)725-7714 ext. 424