Two Parishes - One Faith

Parish Ministries


Please consider strengthening your Faith Journey by volunteering your time and talents to one or more of the following Parish Ministries. 

Your own life and faith will be built up and infused with joy. 

Most importantly, you will be offering a great gift of your time, talents and Christ-like example to those you serve.


Administrative/Pastoral Ministries

Bulletin Stuffing: Join our team to help stuff bulletins after the 8:10 am Mass on Fridays when needed. Father announces the need at the Mass.  Contact: Parish Secretary

Cemetery Board: Oversees all aspects of the cemetery, including budget process, financials, rates and grounds.  Contact: Pete Krautkramer

Counters Club: Count and organize weekly collections on Sunday after the final Mass, and make the deposit.  Contact: Jack Drzewiecki-SJ  Jean Sell-SM

Finance Council: Overseeing the total financial management of the parish, meetings involve finance, budgets and personnel. Same as the Parish Council, parishioners are nominated and voted on at Mass.  Contact: Brian Julius-SM/SJ

Office and Clerical: Answer phones, greet people, sell scrip, copying, stuff envelopes, attach labels, and miscellaneous items.  Contact: Parish Secretary or Steve Siegel

Parish Pastoral Council: Working together to set the vision for the parish and act as advisers to the pastor. Parishioners are nominated and the names voted on at Mass. They meet 9 times a year, taking June, July, and August off.  Contact:  Joe Fahley-SM  Becky Castonia-SJ

Public Relations / Marketing: Create marketing material and promote all upcoming events, contact local advertising agencies, and distribute.  If you are a creative individual, this is the ministry for you.  Contact: Carol Van Marter

Website/Facebook: Help keep our website up-to-date and looking professional by joining this group. Edit content and come up with new and exciting ways to display what SM/SJ has to offer via the web or Facebook! Contact: , Dcn Don Schultz or Steve Siegel

Building and Grounds

Church Decorating: Help decorate the church for special liturgies and/or liturgical seasons. Contact: Jean Sell-SM  Becky Castonia-SJ

Gardeners Group-Spring & Fall Clean Up:
Trim bushes, rake, plant flowers, clean up litter, and many other areas to help the parish grounds look neat and tidy. Contact: Pete Krautkramer

Painting: Help make your church and school look like new by adding a fresh coat of paint.  No need to be a professional. All you need a willingness to help. Contact: Steve Siegel & Bruce Nufer

Parish/Church Cleaning: Help keep our churches looking beautiful. It includes jobs such as vacuuming, washing windows, dusting and more.  Contact:  Parish Secretary

Snow Removal: Help during the winter to shovel and snow blow the sidewalks and  entry ways of the church and school. Contact: Pete Krautkramer    

Workshop/Handy Person: If you are a handy person that is good with wood working, electrical, plumbing, or general maintenance, we will gladly accept your talents. Contact: Steve Siegel & Bruce Nufer

Faith Formation (FF)

Adult Faith Formation:  This faith study group meets on a periodic basis to view and discuss various Catholic DVDs/Books.  There is also an opportunity to meet every Wednesday evening during Faith Formation. Contact: Dcn Don Schultz or Judy Dvorak

Alpha Team: Alpha gives everyone the opportunity to explore the meaning of life in a relaxed, friendly setting. People come to investigate questions about the existence of God, the purpose of life, the afterlife, the claims of Jesus and more. Team members serve in set-up, small group facilitation, food preparation, or prayer support. Training and support are provided. Contact: Dcn Don Schultz or Debbie Spielbauer

Catechist (Grades 1-11 and Confirmation):  What a great way to share your faith with the future of our great parish!  Classes run from September through April. Lesson plans provided. Contact Bethany Doll

Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Need a team of people to assist children K-2 to learn about God at their level during the Readings and Gospel at the 9:00 am at St. John the Baptist or 10:30 am at St. Mary on Sundays. Contact: Bethany Doll

Classroom Aide: If you don’t feel comfortable “teaching” a class but would love to help, come join us on Wednesday evenings as an aide.  We all have gifts that can help our children carry on the faith. Contact: Bethany Doll

Feed Your Body: Be part of a team to help organize, purchase, prepare meals, serve meals and clean-up for families of Faith Formation students on Wednesday evenings serving from 4:45-5:50 pm. Contact:Bethany Doll or Russ Brumm

Feed Your Soul: Spend some quiet time with the Lord on Wednesday evenings from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm during Faith Formation classes for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Contact: Bethany Doll

Office and Clerical: Sell Scrip and answer phone calls during Faith Formation. Contact: Bethany Doll

RCIA Leader: Prepare the catechumens and candidates to receive the sacraments at the Easter Vigil as they become a member of the Catholic Church.  You can also volunteer as a sponsor. Contact:  Dcn. Don Schultz

Vacation Bible School: Totus Tuus through Spiritus at Mount Tabor is a weeklong “parish mission” for Catholic youth in grades 1-12. It is dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promoting the Catholic faith. (Coordinator needed) Contact: Bethany Doll

Youth Group (Grades 6-12):  Empower our youth to embrace and nurture their Catholic Faith and evangelize others. Plan and hold events for our youth.
Contact: Youth Minister or Russ Brumm


Creating Crafts/Sewing: Work with fellow parishioners to make many varied crafts for our parish fundraising events.  You are also welcome to make jams, jellies, candy, cookies and soup. Contact: Mary Gyrion-SM Nancy Dietz-SJ

Prayer Shawls: Workers pray while making knitted and crocheted shawls to be given as a gift of comfort, hope and peace. Yarn is donated by the knitter or available through the parish.   Contact: Mary Gyrion

Quilters: This group meets weekly to work on quilts either to be given away, raffled at our parish events, or other deserving causes.  Contact:  Nancy Dietz

Rosaries: Make rosaries for fellow parishioners with your parish family members. Contact: Monica Sumnicht

Sewing Ministry: Help mend any of the priest’s vestments or altar linens.  Contact: Mary Gyrion-SM  Jan Harrmann-SJ

 Social Justice/Service Organizations

Greeting Card Group: Make greeting cards for parishioners who are sick, had a recent death in the family, birthday, or just to stay in touch. Meet monthly.  Contact: Jan Kargus-SM  Janet Jakubek-SJ

Men’s Group: Share your Catholic faith with other men in your parish family. The group meets every Tuesday at 6:00 pm. Contact: John Guzowski

Parish Nurse: Share your nursing vocation with our parish family. Monthly blood pressure readings after Mass. Help develop this meaningful ministry. Contact: Marshelle Bergstrom

Prep/Serve Meals at the Emergency Shelter: When there is a fifth Sunday in a month – we are there! The food is provided but we prepare, cook, serve and clean up. Come be the hands of Christ to those in need. Contact: Russ Brumm

Respect Life Committee: Responsible for raising awareness in all areas relating to the dignity of life, from conception to natural death. Come help us create a culture of LIFE!  Contact: Gladys Hansen-SM  Wendy Fischer-SJ

St. Vincent de Paul/Food Pantry:
This group of men and women serve those in need for the love of God.  Meetings are held the first Tuesday every month at 8:00 am. Contact: Anna Halaychik

Pillars - Warming Shelter: Prepare/serve food for   designated days at the Appleton Warming Shelter. You won’t regret helping a person in need. Contact: Barb Unruh

Sign-up for Warming Shelter Meals Here

  Parish Family Life

Child Care for Meetings/Events: (NEW) Watch any parishioner’s children while they are attending a meeting or a parish event. Contact: Steve Siegel 

Family Events:  Coordinate, setup, assist and work events focused around building family community and fellowship (ie-Movie Night) Contact: Dcn Don Schultz

Fellowship Gatherings: Help set -up, serve and clean-up at fellowship (donut, coffee or pizza) gatherings after the Masses. We welcome new ideas to bring parishioners together.  Contact: Dcn Don Schultz

Evangelization and Discipleship: Work with all the ministry groups to help them with their needs, provide encouragement, and to bring a sense of belonging and fellowship to the entire parish.  Contact: Dcn Don Schultz

Welcoming Committee: This group helps to improve our hospitality and welcoming of new parishioners. Contact: Dcn Don Schultz or Bob & Barb Bisby

Young Adult Group: (NEW) 20-45 year olds looking to share their faith and experiences with those of the same age group. Also organizes events to promote community and raise funds for our parishes and for charity. Both single and married are welcome. Contact: Dcn Don Schultz

St. Mary Elementary School

Classroom Help: Assist teacher in their classrooms with various tasks.

Lunch Assistant: From 11:10 am to 12:00 (noon) to help serve food to students and assist them in the lunchroom.

Office Help: Assist the school office by answering phones and other office duties as needed.

Recess Duty Help: Help monitor students playground activities during recess. For all above Contact: Sandra Piotrowski, Principal

 Parish FUNraiser/Event

Baked Potato Dinner: Help organize, donate or volunteer at this new FUNraiser held in March. Contact: Steve Siegel

Committee Chair Persons: Help to organize, promote and execute the FUNraisers. New ideas are always welcome. Contact: Steve Siegel

Community Thanksgiving Dinner: Organize, prepare, serve, deliver food and cleanup at our community dinner held the Saturday prior to Thanksgiving. Contact: Dcn Rick Dvorak

Jolly Holly Craft & Cookies Sale: Help organize, donate or volunteer at this craft and bake sale held in November. Contact: Mary Gyrion

Pasta Dinner & Cash Raffle: FUNraiser held in spring. Help sell raffle tickets, coordinate donations, dinner, volunteer to assist at event. Endless opportunities for our largest event. Contact: Steve Siegel

Rummage Sales: Sort, price and organize Tuesday mornings or work during one of the largest rummage sales in the area. Donations are always welcome if you cannot lend a helping hand. Contact: Barb Godeck or Carol Quinn

SCRIPNIC (Picnic): Parish Picnic Event to thank everyone for SCRIP purchases over the past year. Promotes fellowship with parishioners. Includes picnic and games for children. Contact: Steve Siegel

         Cashier: Help with all of the clerical aspects of the parish event like organizing receipts, tracking sales, and various other clerical items.

        Cooks/Bakers: Prep, cook and bake food for the event, maybe even use one of your recipes or creative idea for an event.

        Set Up/Clean Up: Anything from table setting, to dishwashing, food prep, and more to help prepare or clean up for the event.

        Games/Raffles: Set up, take down and/or manage your particular game or raffle.

        Concessions/Refreshments: Prepare, serve, collect monies during the event.

Pastoral Care

Baptismal Preparation: Prepare a family for the sacrament of Baptism. Second Tuesday of the Month. Contact: Dcn Don Schultz

Care Ministry: Provides regular social visits, prayer shawls and/or brings Eucharist to our homebound, nursing home or hospitalized parishioners. Contact: Dcn Rick Dvorak-SM   Carol Ropella-SJ

Marriage Prep (FOCCUS Facilitating Open Couple Communication, Understanding and Study): as a “FOCCUS” couple, you will help prepare engaged couples for the days and years beyond “the big day.” Training is provided through the diocese. Won’t you put your “years of experience” to good use? Contact: Dcn Don Schultz

Prayer Chain: We believe in the power of prayer.  Be a part of this prayer network and give someone in need the best gift you can… the gift of prayer.  Contact: See the bulletin for names and phone numbers

Widows of Prayer: Support Prayer Group, focusing their prayers for the intention of Priests and for those in need.  Contact: Alice Peeters

Worship and Liturgy

Altar Servers: Assist the priest during liturgy. Anyone 4th grade or older is welcome to serve in this ministry. Parent/child teams are great! Contact: Dcn Don Schultz-SM Gery Farrell-SJ

Choir & Musicians: If you love to sing or play an instrument then the music ministry is for you.  We have several groups with which to sing/play, including, Adult Choir, Cantor, Funeral Choir, Youth Choir (grades 2-8). Contact: Peter Krautkramer

Eucharistic Ministers: Assists the priest in administering the sacraments of holy communion, the consecrated bread and wine. They may also take the sacraments to those who are ill, or otherwise unable to attend Mass. Contact: Dcn Don Schultz

Funeral Help: Come and support your parish families in their time of sorrow.  Please consider helping in one of the following areas   Altar Servers: To serve during the Mass of Christian burial.  Dinner Servers: Assist with set-up, serving and clean-up at funeral lunch in the parish hall.  You can volunteer when available.  The time commitment of  a typical funeral is 2 1/2 hours.  Contact: Parish Secretary

Greeting & Welcoming: This ministry is for everyone from singles to families! Share a smile with your fellow parishioners and visitors as they come to celebrate the Mass. Must be available at least 20 minutes before Mass. Contact: Dcn Don Schultz

Lectors: Proclaim the Word of God at Mass or other services. Contact: Ann Hoernke-SM  Gery Farrell-SJ

Musicians: What instrument do you play? We would love to have you accompany to enhance our music at Mass. Contact: Pete Krautkramer

Rosary Leader: You can be a member of the team that leads the rosary before a weekday or one of the weekend Masses.  Contact: Dcn Don Schultz

Sacristan: Set up liturgical needs for weekend and weekday Masses. Training provided. Contact: Mary Gyrion-SM  Jan Harrmann or Betty Schmidt-SJ

Ushers: Greet, help people find seats, take collections, hand out bulletins, etc. Must be available at least 20 minutes before Mass begins. Contact: Ken Danielson-SM  Gery Farrell-SJ